Wednesday, March 06, 2002

What the hell is up with my intro? It's hella corny, but then again I meant every word of it...

Well, well, well... look who finally decided to write in their blog since some wanted me to... this is actually the first time in a long time that I've written... since Valentine's day I think... a lot has happened since then... do you want me to start there?

Well, the weekend of February 15, 16, and 17, I went the Days With the Lord retreat... very eye opening... and scary at the same time... then practice like up the butt for the Spirit Rally that happened Friday the frist of March... thank you to all the San Diegians that went that night... I was really happy that you guys came... for those of you didn't, there's always next year... um... the weekend of the 23rd I went home for my brother's 9th birthday and my dads retirement party... I had fun... mafia anyone?

Um... I live a pretty boring life... I haven't been doing much either... been spending a lot of time at 556... this is the first time actually within this week that I'm actually in my room/ spending the night in my room... hm ... I'm actually writing a paper right now... due tomorrow by 4... and I have work tomorrow at 8... work is actually kind of interesting now that I have something to do... oh hey... I keep forgeting to mention this but I got a computer from work... really... I'm not suppose to say that, but it's too complicated to explain it another way... the comp is old though... and I'm not hooked up to the internet yet... I hope it works... but yeah... it has word on it so I can at least write essays on it... I just need a printer... the only thing I don't like about it is that it's a mac... eh.. whatever... I still want a computer though... but the one I have right now will suffice... haha.. big word... jeez... what else do you want... do I have to sign your guest book Ate? I'll do it later... I have stuff to do right now... like my essay... and all this other crap for my other classes... so I'm gonna go... take care all!


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