Saturday, April 19, 2003

i just spent the past hour reading and catching up with blogs... and i have to be up in about 3 hours... wayzgoose is tomorrow, and Easter is on sunday, which means i'm finally going home... and even though some words (written) were expressed between my sister and i, i'm really looking forward to going home and seeing my family.

i haven't posted in a while, although i've been meaning to... a lot of things have happened since i posted on tuesday... reading everyones blogs about the spirit rally got me thinking about how i felt that night since i never really wrote about practices or how the day of actually went... i don't think i ever will... i felt a lot that night and although it would be nice to go back to a post later on in my life and read what i had to say about it, i don't think putting it into words would do much justice for it... so i'll just leave my feelings the way they usually are: unexpressed.

i don't know whats been up with me lately... when i hang out and talk to people i feel fine, i feel great sometimes and get filled with so much energy... but whenever i get the chance to be by myself, i bring myself down. maybe that's why i continously try to find people to hang out with, so i won't be left alone too long with my thoughts... either that or i go to sleep, which isn't good for me at all cause i wake up and realize that i've just over slept for something or other...

i'm a bit confused now myself... from Emely: "yard by yard it's hard, mile by mile it's a trial, inch by inch it's a cinch" so what every happens, happens... just trying to following His will for me...

and the answer would have been "yes" shelby if you had asked that question... thanks for holding it in though


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