Thursday, December 30, 2004

I've been feeling a bit off lately (well maybe for the past year) about certain things in my life. It's not something that I'd really like to be publically posted and written so I guess that's how far I'll go on ellaborating on that.

It's almost new years eve! Unlike every year in which I think to myself "wow this year went by so fast," this particular year for me didn't seem to go by as fast. A lot happened this year, somethings I'd care not to remember, while others really stick out. One thing that really sticks out to me is this past summer. Working with GSA was really fun! I got to know some really cool people and got better aquainted to people I already knew. Hopefully I'll get to do it again this coming summer.

I go back to Irvine in a couple of days. I'm anticipating going back, I just don't want to go back to school. I'm planning on taking 20 units for winter quarter, never had 20 units before so it should be an adventure trying to survive. I don't think it'll be that bad though, I have at least one friend in two of my classes so far and hopefully with them in it I can stay motivated to go.

Oh, I changed the oil of my car today! All by myself... well not really, my dad was watching me the whole time, but he made me raise the car with the jack and I got underneath to loosen the screw... I actually ended up watching him loosen the screw himself though cause I don't think he really trusted me to do it... but I did have to stay the whole time. It's still draining right now but tomorrow morning we'll be adding the oil again.

Well this was random, haven't written like this in a while. 'Til next time... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! See you all in '05!


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