Monday, November 24, 2003

damn it!!! how the heck am i suppose to graduate on time if i can't get into my freakin classes!!! and it's over... ::sigh:: i'll have to try to explain to my dad again about how the uc system works and how i won't get the classes i need to take unless i go the day of and try to add it then... this sucks! that's what i get for taking it easy last year, er, kinda.

anyway, before i had to schedule my classes i received my midterm back from my medieval history class... i was kinda scared though cause the first few that the ta was putting on the table were all Cs. and then i thought to myself, "damn, i probably got a D." so i was really nervous as she was calling out the names. the moment i knew that my name was gonna be called (cause it was in alphabetical order) i was like "here!" grabbed the blue book and left. as i was exiting the door i looked down to see my grade, and was preparing myself for a disappointment and to be sad the rest of the day, but surprisingly enough i had gotten a B. woo hoo!!! i could have gotten a B+, but i didn't mention what the great emperor constantine the great did before he set up the christian church in constantinople. ::sigh:: it's all good though, and i'm happy with it, cause i was expecting a grade so much lower. one thing i've learned in college is to be satisfied with a B. cause at least it's not a C or D which i occationally get.

so back to not getting my classes. (i'm in in health ed by the way, i have class at 1230 and i didn't want to go home) i'm bitter right now. cause i have to go during the first week and try to add the damn things. plus all the waitlists were full!!! okay i'm done venting... i might bring it up a little here and there in the next few posts but for the most part i'm done. i hope...

so is anyone gonna help me put up a chatterbox or a tag board? haha, well you can't really respond since i don't have one to do it with, but then that's why i'm asking in the first place! anyway, i've had a conversation about this with reg once; about our lives being like the movie "the truman show." just what if it was... and all the ppl around you are merely actors, trying to cover up the biggest lie of all: that you're life isn't really what YOU think is, but it's a life of what OTHERS make it.

oh and also, do you know that the magnitism around the earths outer layer is slowly disappearing, and that it's not a question of whether or not it will disappear but WHEN will it disappear? i was watching nova before i left for san diego yesterday. it's actually a scary thought. cause that magnitism is what keeps the sun "beams" from totally cooking and destroying our planet. the magnitism around our planet deflects it. but sometimes, that outer layer isn't able to and it creates the effects of aurora borealis also known as the northern lights. i really want to see those lights actually, i've seen pictures and i'm just amazed at its beauty.

okay, okay, enough of the crap that i'm producing... i fee like it's summertime again, and i actually had time to find out about this random facts. ::sigh:: but that summer is now gone.... AAHAHAHAHHA!!!! okay, i'm gonna go... i kinda want to get rid of this blog site and just create a new one that no one knows about... what ya think? alrighty, peace out!


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