Sunday, December 21, 2003

so i've been home for the past two days... interesting times. my family is so weird... i guess that's where i got it from, hehe. but they are, we have the most randomest conversations, especially with my mom. i've been her driver for the past two days, and the subjects she brings up while i'm driving are just so funny. i luv my mom, she's so... weird... but a cool weird... =)

so what have been doing? well, lets see... i think this isn't why i blog that often while i'm in san diego, cause i don't do anything! hahahaha... "cause i'm a bear!!" okay i'm done... anyway, yea... i pretty much just help out around the house and drive my mom places. i've been watching more tv and movies lately though. just this past fiday i saw 'freaky friday' and 'the league of extordinary gentlemen.' good movies i think. i think i might watch 'bruce almighty' tonight and probably the rest of the 'wedding singer.' but who knows, but for sure i'll be watching something cause i'm not planning on doing anything tonight hahaha, or not that i can even... eh... same old same old, but it's fun sometimes to stay home... don't get me wrong though, that's why i said "sometimes." i do miss ppl though, and being able to hang out. i won't see some ppl for like a month, while others i saw before i left for sd which is cool... i guess i'm going through withdrawl? i dunno... i go through this every break though...


but hey, the frustration i was having is over, and all the crazyness (i hope) is all over with and that hopefully we can function together as a group again. we'll see what the new quarter brings. so no more frustration, just thinking.

oh man... i went to a 21st birthday party yesterday... wow, can i just say, i've never seen any of my high school friends drunk, let alone drunk with the ppl that were there at the party. it was cool however to see so many ppl from my year all in one room. talk about a drunken reunion of sorts. and if you're wondering, no, i didn't drink... alcohol taste nasty to me right now... so to quote my sis "i'm too sober to appreciate anything in there!" 'in there' being in the house when she came into the backyard. i guess being sober at a party like that isn't really fun, only cause you're the one that has to worry... and geez... i was more scared half the time then enjoying myself. anyway... just wanted to share that cause dude! what the heck was that?! hahaha... HAPPY BIRTHDAY 21st BEEH!!!

aaahhh... all hell has just broken loose here... gotta go...

peace out yo...


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