Friday, October 19, 2007

A new update... which of course really isn't an update considering I haven't really done much.

Let's see. Well, I got a call back from my new job, I start on Monday. Yay! It'll give me something to do, it's only part time, so I'm gonna fill the rest of my days with other random things.

I've completed my class online, took the test, passed it and I should be receiving my certificate by the end of next week. For those that didn't know, I got a ticket on my drive home from Irvine. Which time? Oh, the last "official" time. (Don't get mad at me sister, if you read this).

So what happened? I was in Oceanside, I didn't realize my speed and got pulled over. I had spent the night/morning awake and talking to Kirs and Julian, and decided not to sleep but instead go home (to SD). I got a venti iced mocha, got in my car and headed to SD. I was hyped up on coffee, fighting off the fact that I was sleepy, and crying about moving back home to SD. To top it off I was on the phone and then the next thing I know as I look out the rear view mirror, the lights go on on a police car. Man was I numb. I think it was a combination of shock, lack of sleep and caffeine all in my system that made me not really care. Anyway, I cried the rest of the way home, not about the ticket, but the fact that I no longer had a place in Irvine. Weird huh? Anyway, the ticket is all squared away... effin' speeding. I no longer go higher than 70. haha.

Does anybody watch the show MASH? Well I like it. It's old school. They show it on tvland a lot. There was one summer when I watched it pretty much everyday; in the morning and in the evening when it aired. If you don't watch it, you should try it. It's funny.

Nothing really else to report. I'm excited about ppl coming down to visit SD tomorrow. =D I've been looking forward to it all week.


Blogger Regilyn said...

1st of all thanks for having my back sis :o) BiC pens are so cool!

Congrats on the new jobby!!! How fun Tuesday @ 7!! Can't wait 2 hear about updates for the next batch. All I can offer rite now is prayers. But I know KJ has u n arlene in da palm of His hand!

7:49 PM  
Blogger bellamay said...

hi cristina!!!

yay for the job! and sorry about the ticket. that is such a sad story. ...haha, below 70? that's slow! j/k! :D

2:32 PM  
Blogger Adrian said...

hey cristina... MASH is good... hahaha... as u described it as "old school" who else would respond to your question, "who watches it?" bu me.. hahhaha

any way... i dunno..

take care... be safe...

6:28 PM  

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